Back to School – Kids & sleep
Only a couple of weeks away till our beloved children go back to school. But are they in a good place and the best version of themselves? Kids (especially teens) have possibly been pushing the boundaries of adequate sleep and it may be helpful to make sure they are...
Do you stop driving when you feel sleepy?
Most drivers like to think they are in full control of their driving, even when they are feeling sleepy. But hasn’t every driver at some time woken up to find they are wandering off the road, or worse? We have long known that the eyes are a pretty good indicator of...
Wet Weather Driving
Now we can guarantee that at some point we will be driving in the wet, it’s time to reflect on a few fatigue issues that will affect you even more in the wet conditions. Let’s consider the outcomes of sleep restricted drivers that will be exacerbated in wet weather:...