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Beyond Midnight Consulting believe that face-to-face training with subject content experts provides the very best training possible. However, we also understand that you do not always have the option to have training consultants attend your worksite and deliver face-to-face training. Other impacts of face-to-face training include travel and accommodation,productivity downtime and issues with employee attendance.
Beyond Midnight Consulting have developed a base module on understanding sleep and 21 additional modules to allow the user to tailor their own training to suit their specific needs. There is also additional training for people in supervisory or management roles to assist with understanding and managing fatigue risk and employees in the workplace. There are 6 modules to utilise.
Poor sleep affecting your life? Improve your mental and physical health with these amazing sleep resources.

The Wonder of Sleep” has arrived. This book is a collection of the most recent scientific information regarding good sleep and ways of getting sleep appropriate to your needs. Listening to the voices of the 32,000 people, Dr Nick Mabbott has discovered and implemented simple methods to assist people get the sleep they deserve, following years of poor sleep.
With a forward by the Sleep Health Foundation of Australia, and reviews from a range of people who have used Dr Nick’s information to help themselves and others, this book is the most fun you will have learning how to live your best life. Dr Nick has used his theory on sleep timing to enable most people to get to sleep in five minutes on most nights.
Scan or click the QR code below to go to the website to purchase a copy of this amazing resource. For bulk orders for your team, please contact Dr Nick on nickm@beyondmidnight.com.au
Please click here to view the YouTube “Wonder of Sleep” videos. There are free videos, webinars and podcasts on sleep. The website includes a link to the beautiful sleep meditation music by ‘Sleep Weaver’. Download this free, to Spotify or Apple i-play. This will have you asleep in no time.
By adding modules that suit your specific needs or those required by your organisation
Be tested on each module to ensure main points are understood and can be recalled
See your list of completed modules and any that are in progress
Print your certificate with your name and list of completed modules
One thing that can easily be lost in online training is fully understanding important points. Each module that you will learn requires that you answer correctly all of the questions pertaining to each module. A quiz is presented at the end of the each module and after submitting the responses, you will get a score relating to how many responses were correct.
Where you have responded incorrectly, you will have the opportunity to go back through the module to ensure you understand the content enough to answer the question correctly. You need to score 100% to complete the module and have it printed on your certificate.